
Home of the Tigers!

Howdy folks!
Welcome to my site.
I am Dave Ryan Haaiski, author of the newly launched YA Action Adventure Thriller, The Tigers of Talighati.
I am so glad you stopped by and hope you will enjoy exploring this website.
To give you a brief insight, I wrote this story with tigers and other animals as characters, but as expressed by my beta readers, you will soon forget you are reading about them, for it could be anybody you have encountered in your life, including yourself! In fact, you will identify with many of them, if not all, and will laugh at the uncanny characteristics they share with a relative, a friend, a mentor, or even a co-worker.
In short, the story is universal, and as an added bonus, it’s set in an enchanted jungle instead of a concrete one. You will also get an insider’s view into the life of wild animals, their habitat, their challenges, and the various ways they overcome them. You will laugh, you will cry; you will be terrified at times, and at times intrigued as you embark on this wild, roller-coaster ride that promises to be an entertaining action adventure thriller. And by the end of it, if not much sooner, you will have fallen in love with the characters, whom you will not want to let go of for a long time to come.
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